Welcome to the YSFlight Wiki
Welcome to the YSFlight Wiki!
If you are looking for information regarding the community of YSFlight, addons, modifications or anything else YSFlight related, you've come to the right place. The YSFlight Wiki is always growing and will soon have all the information you will ever need regarding the sim's global communities. Enjoy, and don't forget to contribute whenever you can!
Main Pages
While the YSFlight community is small, it's tightly knit and always busy. Here, you can look for information regarding the game itself, as well as online communities, squadrons, terminology, modding tips and tutorials (as well as an encyclopedia!), and a list of notable pilots, players, squad leaders and modders. Check back often, as it's always expanding.
If you want to contribute, head over to the Stubs and Missing Articles list to see what you can add and/or improve!
26/05/2021 by Kubson
It's Alive!
Ever since Margatroid stopped working on this wiki, the info has started to get outdated, and many important events of the past and present are not being documented as a result; so Crazypilot, HawkbitAlpha and I decided to take up the task of managing the wiki. From now on, we will be doing our best to organize it, write as many articles/document as many events as possible, and moderate it.
Begin Browsing
Announcements |
YSFlight Simulator 2000 |
Online YSFlight Community |
Squadrons & Virtual Groups |
The Addon/Modification Encyclopedia |
Pilots & Players |
日本のウィキ |