YS Flight Sim Wiki
YS Flight Sim Wiki

The YFS file is a way to store replay and mission data. Replay .yfs are essentially just save files of the flight that was just flown and will show all aircraft, ground object, weapon events, weather conditions and chat messages. Mission .yfs files store intention and event setup conditions for a player to then take over upon simulation start.

Replay YFS File Content[]

A replay file has several sections with different types of information in each.

Server Settings[]

Key Values Meaning
YFSVERSI 20150425 The YSFlight netcode version being used.
FIELDNAM HAWAII 0 0 0 0 0 0 FALSE LOADAIR:FALSE Indicates the name of the scenery being used and if a replay file is selected.
ENVIRONM DAY Day or night on the server/offline environment when starting the simulation or logging into the server
ALLOWGUN FALSE True or False if the server allows guns
ALLOWAAM FALSE True or False if the server allows air-to-air missiles to be fired
ALLOWAGM FALSE True or False if the server allows air-to-ground missiles to be fired
ALLOWBOM TRUE True or False if the server allows bombs to be used
ALLOWRKT FALSE True or False if the server allows rockets to be used

Event Blocks[]

There are several types of event blocks that will tell YSFlight what is happening. This section is started by the line "EVTBLOCK" and ended with the line "EDEVTBLK". Every event block will start with the type of event it is and the time that it occurs at.

Text Events[]

These are the chat or text prompts that you see in-game in the upper left corner of the screen in green.

Key Value Meaning
TXTEVT 11956.590000 0 The time (since the start of the replay file) that the text event occurred at.
TXT Decaff42 has left the airplane. The text of the message sent.
ENDEVT Conclusion of the event

Visibility Changes[]

One type of environmental changes that can be made are with respect to visibility.

Key Value Meaning
VISCHG 1643.4 0 The time (since the start of the replay file) that the visibility change occurred at.
VISI 8000m The new visibility distance in meters
ENDEVT Conclusion of the event

Visibility changes can also define a cloud layer

Key Value Meaning
VISCHG 1643.4 0 The time (since the start of the replay file) that the visibility change occurred at.
VISI CLDLYR OVC 800ft 1000ft Defines an overcast cloud layer between 800ft and 1000ft altitude.
ENDEVT Conclusion of the event

Wind Changes[]

The wind can be updated with a wind change

Key Value Meaning
WNDCHG 1643.4 0 The time (since the start of the replay file) that the visibility change occurred at.
WIND 0.000000m/s 0.000000m/s 0.000000m/s Defines the x, y, and z components of the wind.

TODO: define the orientation.

ENDEVT Conclusion of the event

Camera Focus[]

The default camera focus is usually on the player that is flying. But this can change. Since YSFlight treats each re-spawn of a player as a new airplane, the focus must change to the new airplane.

Key Value Meaning
PLRAIR 1643.4 0 The time (since the start of the replay file) that the visibility change occurred at.

Note that the last value is sometimes different.

OBJID 5 The ID of the new camera target.
ENDEVT Conclusion of the event