YS Flight Sim Wiki

Sanderson, Viper 1, Bombcat, Doomsday, Philster, Nos, Hawkstar, Jaidro, Guardian and Iceman, preparing for a CVW-171 ground attack op.

Virtual YSFlight Groups have been around ever since the beginning of YSFlight. The earliest English-speaking YSFlight groups were created by Jacn, during the existence of YSTK.

YSFlight groups can be based on many things. Organized combat squadrons usually have their own addon packs, maps, flying styles, and mission objectives. Civilian groups have also formed, including virtual airlines, cargo transport, and SAR, all the way to drug dealers (the Ganja Gang) and fighter-police.

In 2011, a new type of squadron was created known as a "personal squad". These groups usually consisted of 2-4 members and were strictly casual play, without any set rules for training or initiation.

Active YSFlight Combat Groups[]

YSFlight Combat Squads[]

Active YSFlight Civilian Groups[]

Virtual Airlines[]

Virtual Aerobatics Groups[]

Inactive YSFlight Combat Groups[]

Inactive YSFlight Civilian Groups[]

Squadron Wars[]

Combat Squadrons may not always agree with each others ideas and would sometimes settle differences by engaging in wars, which is partly what shapes the combat side of Virtual YSFlight Groups. These wars may often be driven by squad politics or domination, and may often take place spontaneously across the servers with no formal competition planning, weapon balance and player balance (i.e. it is different from a planned squadron competition). The significance of these scenarios may vary, depending on which squadrons are involved, how many squadrons are involved, how many players from each squadron are involved and how long the war goes on for.

Major Wars[]

War Name Year Belligerents Result Additional Notes
GrunSol PMC -VFA-49 War October 2016 - December 2016 GrunSolutions PMC

Palm Security vs

VFA-49 Ghosthawks

49th Victory Ended with GrunSol leaving the YS community; its remaining members formed Neo-United Nations, and Palm Security became independent.
Third 171st - 49th War April 2015 - May 2015 CVW-171


VFA-49 Ghosthawks

Draw Ended in lack of activity; regarded as a draw.
171st - 49th

Organized Battle

April 2009 CVW-171


VFA-49 Ghosthawks

49th Victory Unlike the previous two wars between the 171st and 49th, this one was set in a controlled environment on a mirrored map with a mirrored number of people on each team, more akin to that of a public combat event such as YSP WW3. The objectives were for either squad to destroy the enemy squads base to win. The 49th managed to achieve this first and therefore won the battle.
Second 171st - 49th War September 2008 - November 2008 CVW-171


VFA-49 Ghosthawks

Disputed Ended with a cease fire. Both squads claim to have won against each other; 171st are usually regarded as the victor, but no official agreement as to who won has ever been made.
First 171st - 49th War August 2007 - September 2007 CVW-171


VFA-49 Ghosthawks

171st Victory Followed by immediate rearrangement of VFA-49 into 49th Flight Squadron, which disbanded shortly afterwards. Most of its members were absorbed into 171st, while VFA-49 was rebooted later on in 2008.
Second 171st - RPFW War 2007 171st Fighter Squadron


Red Phoenix Fighter Wing

Draw Ended with a cease fire; regarded as a draw.
171st - 194th War 2007 171st Fighter Squadron


194th Koshimetsu Ninjas

171st Victory Followed by immediate disbandment of 194th; its members were absorbed into the 171st.
171st - Red Ribbon War 2007 171st Fighter Squadron


Red Ribbon Fighter Squadron

171st Victory RRFS were supported by RPFW. Followed by immediate disbandment of RRFS; its members were absorbed into the 171st.
ICS - Ganja War 2007 International Customs Squadron


Ganja Gang

ICS Victory Followed by immediate disbandment of Ganja Gang.
First 171st - RPFS War 2006 171st Fighter Squadron


Red Phoenix Fighter Squadron

Draw Ended in cease fire; regarded as a draw.

Minor Wars[]

War Name Year Belligerents Result Additional Notes
2UCW - Cobra War November 2020 - Present 2UCW


Cobra Team

Ongoing An ongoing, unplanned conflict beginning on 23 November 2020, with an official declaration of war by 2UCW on December 7. 2UCW has won all battles to date.
BOH - 2UCW War November 2020 CVW-171, VFA-49, and 404th



BOH Victory Consisted of two battles in November 2020. Two of the pilots were members of both squadrons: 2UCW XO Kubson fought alongside BOH, while HRO UltraViolet remained with 2UCW. The war was intended to be a longer conflict, but was called off by BOH due to inactivity, and subsequently declared by 2UCW as a narrow BOH victory.
Ransom - 2UCW War July - August 2019 2nd UCW vs Ransom Draw A planned conflict which ended in a draw due to lack of activity. Ended with Ransom Squadron folding into MIRAI.
Operation: "Striker" 2018 66th AFU "Galm" and VFA-94


SARF and 4AW

Unknown The enemy squadron (SARF/4AW) left soon after reinforcements from VFA-94 arrived.
Palm Sec.-VFA-49/SARF 2017 Palm Security


VFA-49 and SARF

Unknown Part of Palm Security's "Operation Hornet Sting".
57th - RPFS War August 2013 57th Polyvalent Squadron


Red Phoenix Fighter Squadron

57th Victory The 57th were directly supported by a small number of 171st members.
108th - 444-CV War 2012 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron


444-CV Corvettes

444-CV Victory Followed by immediate disbandment of 108th.
171st - GFS War August 2010 CVW-171


Griffon Fighter Squadron

171st Victory Followed by immediate disbandment of GFS.
171st - Grabacr War 2010 CVW-171


Grabacr Squadron

171st Victory Followed by immediate disbandment of Grabacr Squadron.
171st - 217th War December


CVW-171 and 3rd Air Wing



171st Victory 3rd Air Wing played a minor role by supporting CVW-171 in a small amount of combat.
241st - 49th War September 2007 241st Shadow Hunters


VFA-49 Ghosthawks

241st Victory Part of the wider First 171st - 49th War in 2007. (see Major Wars section above)
171st - 922nd War Late 2006-Early 2007 171st Fighter Squadron



171st Victory